Sunday, May 10, 2015

How My Mom Started the Korean War

The Korean War began in June of 1950, and didn't stop until July, 1953. During that time, more than 5 million soldiers and civilians were killed in the fight between democracy and communism, good and evil. My mom thought that she started it.

I remember mom telling me about her Uncle Wally and his war buddies getting together to talk about how much fun they had during WWII, but here, let mom tell her story:

"You are almost correct but they didn't talk about having fun.  They were just glad to be on leave and they would bring me great presents (remember it was all about me just like now)."

World War II ended in Sept.,1945. My mom was just four years old.

"Once the war was over it dawned on me that there would be no more presents.  This really upset me to the point of praying for another war every night.  Once the Korean War broke out I was so happy but didn't get any more gifts. The moral of the story is to keep giving me gifts and there will be peace."

So there you go. To avoid war, give your mom presents. Happy Mothers Day, Mom.

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